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Hosting Your Startup in Thailand

An online presence is often a starting point for startups. Whether you’re launching a one-page marketing website to alert the world you exist, or you’re a fully interactive e-commerce portal, you’ll always need reliable web hosting.


In a world where hosting has become, for the large part a commodity, it’s easy to forget that, as with any supplier, your web host should provide service and work with you to ensure your customers a seamless experience, with no delays, outages, or malicious activity.

Rutger Hensel, Managing Director, Code Orange Ltd. explains: “For most hosting companies, you’re a just a number. They check that their server is up and running, and that’s important, because without that everything else doesn’t matter, but they don’t check if websites are loading fast, without errors. But Code Orange is a partner. We check. We have alerts, and if something is wrong, we take care of it or notify the client to take steps. That prevents a lot of headaches.”


“If you have a malware infection, you lose your Google rankings and infect your customers. Also, your data may get stolen because your security isn’t that good. This may be difficult to put a number on, but it’s probably not worth it.”


Added Value for Startup Web Hosting in Thailand

Code Orange brought their fully managed web hosting to Thailand about a year ago. The local market shows continuing growth for online businesses making the expansion of this Dutch firm to Bangkok a logical step. Although the servers could be hosted anywhere, the Code Orange team believe websites targeting Thailand are best hosted within the country because this avoids the extra milliseconds in loading time due to infrastructure bottlenecks as traffic enters and exits the kingdom.

Rutger says a website should have as a goal to load completely in two seconds or less, to avoid losing customers, but if your traffic is held up one or two extra seconds on the way to Singapore or the US, you’ve already missed that benchmark and people are clicking on another website.

It reflects badly on a website… The website might look good, but if it takes too long for every page to load, well, then… it’s like they don’t care about the end user.” says Hensel


“We’re a partner. We check. We have alerts, and if something is wrong, we can take care of it ourselves or notify the client. That prevents a lot of headaches.”


For most startups their website is a moneymaker – it’s impossible to calculate the loss in revenue and opportunity a company may incur due to slow loading or downtime, and there are other issues to consider. Rutger explains: “If you have a malware infection, you lose your Google rankings and infect your customers. Also, your data may get stolen because your security isn’t that good. This may be difficult to put a number on, but it’s probably not worth it.


Why are we promoting Code Orange on our blog?

Proseed offers startups in Bangkok our knowledge and support. With Code Orange, we know we’re pointing companies to the best web hosting available in Thailand, with reliable, value-added services, including security protocols and alerts for malicious activity. Proseed is hosted by Code Orange and we’d be remiss not to show our gratitude for the support Rutger and his team offer us.

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